Uses of Class

Packages that use RpcException
jreceiver.common.rpc A set of wrapper classes to remotely query and control the JReceiver Engine. 

Uses of RpcException in jreceiver.common.callback.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.callback.rpc that throw RpcException
abstract  java.util.Vector StatusListenerDirect.getRecs()
          Return a list of driver setting recs.
 void CommandListener.forwardCommand(Device device, Command command)
          handle a command directly by the driver
static StatusListener RpcCallbackFactory.newStatusListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static StatusListener RpcCallbackFactory.newStatusListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static SettingListener RpcCallbackFactory.newSettingListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static SettingListener RpcCallbackFactory.newSettingListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static ControllerListener RpcCallbackFactory.newControllerListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static ControllerListener RpcCallbackFactory.newControllerListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static CommandListener RpcCallbackFactory.newCommandListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static CommandListener RpcCallbackFactory.newCommandListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
abstract  java.util.Hashtable SettingListenerDirect.getMap()
          Return a map of driver setting recs.
abstract  java.util.Vector SettingListenerDirect.storeMap(java.util.Hashtable map)
          Store a map of driver setting objects, returning a list of error strings, if a problem
 java.lang.String ControllerListener.recordSignalData(java.lang.String address)
          Record a signal from a controlling device (IR, X10, etc.)
 void ControllerListener.playSignalData(java.lang.String address, java.lang.String sig_data)
          Playback a signal on a controlling device (IR, X10, etc.)
 java.util.Hashtable SettingListener.getMap()
          Return a map of driver setting recs.
 java.util.Vector SettingListener.storeMap(java.util.Hashtable map)
          Store a map of driver setting objects, returning a list of error strings, if a problem
abstract  java.lang.String ControllerListenerDirect.recordSignalData(java.lang.String address)
          Record a signal from a controlling device (IR, X10, etc.)
abstract  void ControllerListenerDirect.playSignalData(java.lang.String address, java.lang.String sig_data)
          Playback a signal on a controlling device (IR, X10, etc.)
 java.util.Vector StatusListener.getRecs()
          Return a list of driver setting recs.
abstract  void CommandListenerDirect.forwardCommand(Device device, Command command)

Uses of RpcException in jreceiver.common.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc that throw RpcException
protected static RpcBase RpcFactoryBase.loadDirect(java.lang.String class_name, User user)
          load the direct interface if no remote specified
static RpcFactoryBase.getDefaultHost()
          obtain the default default host for this factory
 int Signals.getKeyCountForDriverBinding(DriverBindingKey drvbind_key)
          Obtain a total count of signal keys for a driverbind
 java.util.Vector Signals.getKeysForDriverBinding(DriverBindingKey drvbind_key, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered range of keys for the specified driverbind.
 void Signals.record(SignalKey key, Device device)
          Record a signal for the specified device, storing the results.
 void sig, Device device)
          Playback the signal for the specified device.
 void Signals.clear(SignalKey key)
          clear a signal's data
 int RoleAuths.getKeyCountForRole(java.lang.String role_id)
          Obtain a total count of RoleAuth keys for a role
 java.util.Vector RoleAuths.getKeysForRole(java.lang.String role_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered list of RoleAuth keys for the specified role.
 java.util.Vector RoleAuths.getRecsForMethods(User user, java.util.Vector method_keys, java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args)
          plural - obtain an ordered range of keys for the specified user
 boolean RoleAuths.isAuthorized(User user, MethodKey method)
          singular - determine authorization for a user and a handler.method
 java.util.Vector Menus.getArtistMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify artist names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getAlbumMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify album/cd names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getGenreMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify genre names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getTitleMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify tune titles
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeArtists(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of artists, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeAlbums(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of albums, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeGenres(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of genres, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeTitles(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of titles, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 void Scanner.invoke()
          start the scanner, if not started
 void Scanner.interrupt()
          stop the scanner, if running
 java.util.Date Scanner.getSchedule()
          obtain the next time a scan will commence
 void Scanner.schedule()
          tell the scanner to update its schedule
 java.lang.String Scanner.clear()
          purge the database of all scanned data
 java.lang.String Scanner.getState()
          obtain the current scanner state
 java.util.Vector Commands.getRecsForDriverBinding(DriverBindingKey drvbind_key, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain commands for which signals may be created for a driverbind definition
 java.util.Vector Tunes.getKeysForFolder(int folder_id, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a particular folder, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector Tunes.getKeysForPlaylist(int pl_src_id, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 int Tunes.getKeyCountForPlaylist(int pl_src_id, int driver_id)
          Return a count of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 int Tunes.getKeyCountForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id)
          Return a count of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector Tunes.getKeysForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 byte[] Tunes.encodeBinary(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, byte[] pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a BINARY list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, typically for use in building an internal playlist in an embedded device where memory is at a premium.
 java.lang.String Tunes.encodeText(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a TEXT list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, for use in displaying a menu to the user.
 byte[] TagEncoder.encodeTag(int src_id, int driver_id, byte[] tune_pattern, byte[] playlist_pattern)
          obtain binary-encoded tag info for the specified source, be it a tune or a playlist, using the appropriate pattern.
 byte[] TagEncoder.encodeTuneTag(int src_id, int driver_id, byte[] pattern)
          obtain binary-encoded tag info for the specified tune source, using the specified pattern.
 byte[] TagEncoder.encodePlaylistTag(int src_id, int driver_id, byte[] pattern)
          obtain binary-encoded tag info for the specified playlist source, using the specified pattern.
 java.lang.String Drivers.getServerVersion()
          returns the version string of the RPC server
 Driver Drivers.register( callback_url, java.lang.String callback_user_id, java.lang.String callback_password, java.util.Vector supported_content_types, java.util.Vector master_medium_types, java.util.Vector slave_medium_types, boolean per_user_settings)
          register a driver with the server
 void Drivers.registerCommandSet(int driver_id, java.util.Vector supported_commands)
          register a driver version with the server
 void Drivers.executeCommand(Device device, Command cmd)
          asynchronously send a command to the driver for a device
 java.util.Vector Drivers.getRecsForSettings(java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of drivers that for which the user is authorized to modify settings.
 int Playlists.getKeyCountForMask(int pl_mask)
          Obtain a total count of keys for the specified filter.
 java.util.Vector Playlists.getKeysForMask(int pl_mask, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered range of keys for the specified playlist mask.
 void Playlists.refresh(java.util.Vector keys)
          Refresh the tunes in the specified playlists
 java.lang.String Playlists.validateFilter(java.lang.String raw_filter, java.lang.String order_by)
          test a playlist filter
 java.util.Vector Devices.getKeysForDriver(int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of device ids for a driver
 java.util.Vector Devices.getRecsForDriver(int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of device recs for a driver (combines getKeys+getRecs steps)
 Mfile Mfiles.getRecForPath(int site_id, file_path, java.util.Hashtable args)
          Obtain a mfile rec corresponding to the specified filespec Note that we are explicitly NOT using the File object in this case.
 java.lang.String Roots.validate( root_pathname)
          Test to see that the target exists and that it is not a child of any of the existing roots, or (visa-versa) if any of the roots is a child of target.
 int ServerTable.getKeyCount()
          Obtain a total count of unique keys
 java.util.Vector ServerTable.getKeys(java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered range of keys.
 Rec ServerTable.getRec(java.lang.Object key, java.util.Hashtable args)
          Obtain a single rec for the (String or Key-derived or Number-derived) key
 Rec ServerTable.getRec(int i_key, java.util.Hashtable args)
          Obtain a single rec for the key (primitive int)
 java.util.Vector ServerTable.getRecs(java.util.Vector keys, java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args)
          Obtain a list of recs for a list of keys
 java.util.Vector ServerTable.getRecs(java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of recs (combines getKeys + getRecs(keys))
 int ServerTable.storeRec(Rec rec)
          Insert or update a single record, returning the identity (if any)
 void ServerTable.storeRecs(java.util.Vector recs)
          Insert or update records
 void ServerTable.deleteRecs(java.util.Vector keys)
          delete a record for the given keys
 java.lang.String PlaylistEncoder.encodePlaylists(java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a TEXT list of of all playlists (both static files and dynamic playlists) formatted with a caller-specified pattern, for use in displaying a menu to the user.
 java.util.Vector Mimes.getRecs()
          Obtain the canonical list of supported mime-types
 SourceRec Sources.getRecForDriver(int src_id, int driver_id)
          Obtain source details for the given src_id when used with a given driver_id.
 java.lang.String Settings.get(java.lang.String key)
          access to the settings table
 java.lang.String Settings.get(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          access to the settings table
 int Settings.getInt(java.lang.String key)
          access to the settings table and return an int
 int Settings.getInt(java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
          access to the settings table and return an int
 boolean Settings.getBool(java.lang.String key)
          access to the settings table and return an boolean
 boolean Settings.getBool(java.lang.String key, boolean defaultValue)
          access to the settings table and return an boolean
 void Settings.put(java.lang.String key, int value)
          insert or update an integer settings value
 void Settings.put(java.lang.String key, boolean value)
          insert or update an boolean settings value
 void Settings.put(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          insert or update a settings value
 void Settings.delete(java.lang.String key)
          remove a settings value
 java.util.Vector Methods.getKeysAvailable(java.lang.String role_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered range of keys available for assignment to the specified role
 java.util.Vector Folders.getChildKeys(int parent_id, java.lang.String order_by, boolean recurse, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of folder_ids which represent the children of the folder associated with parent_id.
 java.util.Vector Folders.getRootKeys(java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a list of folder_ids which represent the root folders
 int Folders.findParent(int folder_id, java.util.Set parents)
          Attempt to determine whether or not folder_id has a parent amongst the set of parents.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers()
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers( host)
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers(User user)
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers( host, User user)
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices()
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices( host)
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices(User user)
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices( host, User user)
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers()
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers( host)
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers(User user)
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers( host, User user)
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders()
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders( host)
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders(User user)
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders( host, User user)
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus()
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus( host)
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus(User user)
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus( host, User user)
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles()
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles( host)
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles(User user)
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles( host, User user)
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals()
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals( host)
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals(User user)
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals( host, User user)
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder()
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder( host)
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder(User user)
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder( host, User user)
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists()
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists( host)
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists(User user)
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists( host, User user)
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots()
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots( host)
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots(User user)
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots( host, User user)
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner()
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner( host)
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner(User user)
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner( host, User user)
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings()
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings( host)
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings(User user)
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources()
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources( host)
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources(User user)
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources( host, User user)
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder()
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder( host)
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder(User user)
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder( host, User user)
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes()
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes( host)
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes(User user)
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes( host, User user)
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings()
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings( host)
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings(User user)
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings()
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings( host)
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings(User user)
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders()
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders( host)
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders(User user)
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders( host, User user)
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes()
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes( host)
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes(User user)
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes( host, User user)
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings()
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings( host)
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings(User user)
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings( host, User user)
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings()
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings( host)
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings(User user)
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings( host, User user)
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands()
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands( host)
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands(User user)
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands( host, User user)
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals()
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals( host)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals(User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals( host, User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles()
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles( host)
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles(User user)
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles( host, User user)
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites()
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites( host)
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites(User user)
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites( host, User user)
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths()
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths( host)
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths(User user)
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths( host, User user)
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods()
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods( host)
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods(User user)
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods( host, User user)
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
 int DeviceBindings.getKeyCountForDriverBinding(DriverBindingKey drvbind_key)
          Obtain a total count of command keys for a driverbind
 java.util.Vector DeviceBindings.getKeysForDriverBinding(DriverBindingKey drvbind_key, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain an ordered range of keys for the specified driverbind.
 User Users.getAuthenticUser(java.lang.String user_id, java.lang.String password, java.util.Hashtable args)
          return the user rec if credentials are valid

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