Interface Tunes

All Superinterfaces:
RpcBase, ServerTable

public interface Tunes
extends ServerTable

Tune-related queries and updates for a (possibly-remote) JRec server

$Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2002/07/31 11:29:41 $
Reed Esau

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ENCODE_BINARY
static java.lang.String ENCODE_TEXT
static java.lang.String GET_KEYCOUNT_FOR_PLAYLIST
static java.lang.String GET_KEYCOUNT_FOR_QUERY
static java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_FOLDER
static java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_PLAYLIST
static java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_QUERY
static java.lang.String HANDLER_NAME
Fields inherited from interface jreceiver.common.rpc.ServerTable
Fields inherited from interface jreceiver.common.rpc.RpcBase
Method Summary
 byte[] encodeBinary(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, byte[] pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a BINARY list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, typically for use in building an internal playlist in an embedded device where memory is at a premium.
 java.lang.String encodeText(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a TEXT list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, for use in displaying a menu to the user.
 int getKeyCountForPlaylist(int pl_src_id, int driver_id)
          Return a count of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 int getKeyCountForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id)
          Return a count of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector getKeysForFolder(int folder_id, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a particular folder, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector getKeysForPlaylist(int pl_src_id, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector getKeysForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
Methods inherited from interface jreceiver.common.rpc.ServerTable
deleteRecs, getKeyCount, getKeys, getRec, getRec, getRecs, getRecs, storeRec, storeRecs
Methods inherited from interface jreceiver.common.rpc.RpcBase

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String HANDLER_NAME


public static final java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_FOLDER


public static final java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_PLAYLIST


public static final java.lang.String GET_KEYCOUNT_FOR_PLAYLIST


public static final java.lang.String GET_KEYS_FOR_QUERY


public static final java.lang.String GET_KEYCOUNT_FOR_QUERY


public static final java.lang.String ENCODE_TEXT


public static final java.lang.String ENCODE_BINARY
Method Detail


public java.util.Vector getKeysForFolder(int folder_id,
                                         int driver_id,
                                         java.lang.String order_by,
                                         int rec_offset,
                                         int rec_count)
                                  throws RpcException
Return a list of Tune ids for a particular folder, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.


public java.util.Vector getKeysForPlaylist(int pl_src_id,
                                           int driver_id,
                                           java.lang.String order_by,
                                           int rec_offset,
                                           int rec_count)
                                    throws RpcException
Return a list of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.


public int getKeyCountForPlaylist(int pl_src_id,
                                  int driver_id)
                           throws RpcException
Return a count of Tune ids for a particular playlist, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.


public int getKeyCountForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query,
                               int driver_id)
                        throws RpcException
Return a count of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.

Important note: this may be deprecated at some point in the future and be replaced by a full-featured interface.

filter - String any filter that you'd specify in a dynamic playlist


public java.util.Vector getKeysForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query,
                                        int driver_id,
                                        java.lang.String order_by,
                                        int rec_offset,
                                        int rec_count)
                                 throws RpcException
Return a list of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.

Important note: this may be deprecated at some point in the future and be replaced by a full-featured interface.

filter - String any filter that you'd specify in a dynamic playlist


public byte[] encodeBinary(TuneQuery tune_query,
                           int driver_id,
                           byte[] pattern,
                           int rec_offset,
                           int rec_count)
                    throws RpcException
Obtain a BINARY list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, typically for use in building an internal playlist in an embedded device where memory is at a premium.

Data is returned as a byte array. All results are concatenated. Any record separators needed must be specified in the pattern.

Formatting of each record is done through a MessageFormatB (binary) pattern. As an example, the following

     String pattern = "{0,word,le}{1,word,le}{2,word,le}";
will return each query result as
     c001000 e5655000 b5010000
where each result is encoded as a 12-byte record, where {0,word,le} will be replaced with the source identifier (src_id) as a 4-byte word in little-endian order; {1...} will be replaced with the filesize and {2...} replaced with the offset in the tune file of the first MPEG frame.

This method provides a wrapper for the remote call to the server.

tune_query - Hashtable TODO: point to documentation
pattern - byte[] a MessageFormatB pattern where {0} will be replaced with the src_id and {1} will be replaced with the filesize and {2} replaced with the MPEG data offset.
begin - int the index of the first item of the results to return
end - int the index of the final item of the results to return
byte[] concatenated binary records
RpcException -  


public java.lang.String encodeText(TuneQuery tune_query,
                                   int driver_id,
                                   java.lang.String pattern,
                                   int rec_offset,
                                   int rec_count)
                            throws RpcException
Obtain a TEXT list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, for use in displaying a menu to the user.

Data is returned as a String. All results are concatenated. Any record separators needed must be specified in the pattern.

Formatting of each record is done through a MessageFormat pattern. As an example, the following

     String pattern = "{0,hex}=T{1}\r\n";
will format each result matching the filter as
     1d0=TSenses Working Overtime\r\n
where {0,hex} will be replaced with the source identifier (src_id), in hexadecimal; {1} will be replaced with the tune title.

Note that the 'hex' element format isn't a standard formatter of MessageFormat, but it is supported here in a minor kludge.

This method provides a wrapper for the remote call to the server.

tune_query - Hashtable TODO: point to documentation
pattern - String a MessageFormat pattern where {0} will be replaced with the src_id and {1} will be replaced with the tune title.
begin - int the index of the first item of the results to return
end - int the index of the final item of the results to return
String concatenated String records.
RpcException -  

Copyright © 2001-2002 Reed Esau, All Rights Reserved.