Uses of Interface

Packages that use TuneQuery
jreceiver.common.rec.util A set of beans representing various things that don't yet fit in other categories. 
jreceiver.common.rpc A set of wrapper classes to remotely query and control the JReceiver Engine. 

Uses of TuneQuery in jreceiver.common.rec.util

Classes in jreceiver.common.rec.util that implement TuneQuery
 class TuneQueryRec
          A basic interface to filter tunes.

Uses of TuneQuery in jreceiver.common.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc with parameters of type TuneQuery
 java.util.Vector Menus.getArtistMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify artist names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getAlbumMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify album/cd names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getGenreMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify genre names
 java.util.Vector Menus.getTitleMenuRecs(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of MenuRecs that specify tune titles
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeArtists(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of artists, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeAlbums(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of albums, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeGenres(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of genres, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 java.lang.String Menus.encodeTitles(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          obtain a list of titles, custom formatted, for use in a menu.
 int Tunes.getKeyCountForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id)
          Return a count of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 java.util.Vector Tunes.getKeysForQuery(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String order_by, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Return a list of Tune ids for a hash query, filtering out mime-types not supported by the specified driver.
 byte[] Tunes.encodeBinary(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, byte[] pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a BINARY list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, typically for use in building an internal playlist in an embedded device where memory is at a premium.
 java.lang.String Tunes.encodeText(TuneQuery tune_query, int driver_id, java.lang.String pattern, int rec_offset, int rec_count)
          Obtain a TEXT list of tunes for a hash query, custom formatted with a caller-specified pattern, for use in displaying a menu to the user.

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