Uses of Interface

Packages that use User
jreceiver.common.rpc A set of wrapper classes to remotely query and control the JReceiver Engine. 

Uses of User in jreceiver.common.callback.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.callback.rpc with parameters of type User
static StatusListener RpcCallbackFactory.newStatusListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static StatusListener RpcCallbackFactory.newStatusListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static SettingListener RpcCallbackFactory.newSettingListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static SettingListener RpcCallbackFactory.newSettingListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static ControllerListener RpcCallbackFactory.newControllerListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static ControllerListener RpcCallbackFactory.newControllerListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host
static CommandListener RpcCallbackFactory.newCommandListener(User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the default host
static CommandListener RpcCallbackFactory.newCommandListener( host, User user)
          produce an object from the factory, using the specified host

Constructors in jreceiver.common.callback.rpc with parameters of type User
StatusListenerDirect(User user)
SettingListenerDirect(User user)
ControllerListenerDirect(User user)
CommandListenerDirect(User user)

Uses of User in

Classes in that implement User
 class UserRec
          Bean to represent a single user record

Uses of User in jreceiver.common.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc that return User
 User RpcBaseDirect.getUser()
 User Users.getAuthenticUser(java.lang.String user_id, java.lang.String password, java.util.Hashtable args)
          return the user rec if credentials are valid

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc with parameters of type User
protected static RpcBase RpcFactoryBase.loadDirect(java.lang.String class_name, User user)
          load the direct interface if no remote specified
 java.util.Vector RoleAuths.getRecsForMethods(User user, java.util.Vector method_keys, java.lang.String order_by, java.util.Hashtable args)
          plural - obtain an ordered range of keys for the specified user
 boolean RoleAuths.isAuthorized(User user, MethodKey method)
          singular - determine authorization for a user and a handler.method
static void RpcFactory.setDefaultCredentials(User user)
          Assign the DEFAULT credentials to be used for direct or remote Client->Server RPCs.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers(User user)
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Users RpcFactory.newUsers( host, User user)
          Produce a Users object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices(User user)
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Devices RpcFactory.newDevices( host, User user)
          Produce a Devices object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers(User user)
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Drivers RpcFactory.newDrivers( host, User user)
          Produce a Drivers object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders(User user)
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Folders RpcFactory.newFolders( host, User user)
          Produce a Folders object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus(User user)
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Menus RpcFactory.newMenus( host, User user)
          Produce a Menus object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles(User user)
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mfiles RpcFactory.newMfiles( host, User user)
          Produce a Mfiles object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals(User user)
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mexternals RpcFactory.newMexternals( host, User user)
          Produce a Mexternals object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder(User user)
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static PlaylistEncoder RpcFactory.newPlaylistEncoder( host, User user)
          Produce a PlaylistEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists(User user)
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Playlists RpcFactory.newPlaylists( host, User user)
          Produce a Playlists object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots(User user)
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Roots RpcFactory.newRoots( host, User user)
          Produce a Roots object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner(User user)
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Scanner RpcFactory.newScanner( host, User user)
          Produce a Scanner object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings(User user)
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Settings RpcFactory.newSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a Settings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources(User user)
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Sources RpcFactory.newSources( host, User user)
          Produce a Sources object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder(User user)
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static TagEncoder RpcFactory.newTagEncoder( host, User user)
          Produce a TagEncoder object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes(User user)
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Tunes RpcFactory.newTunes( host, User user)
          Produce a Tunes object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings(User user)
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static GeneralSettings RpcFactory.newGeneralSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a GeneralSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings(User user)
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static ScannerSettings RpcFactory.newScannerSettings( host, User user)
          Produce a ScannerSettings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders(User user)
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Transcoders RpcFactory.newTranscoders( host, User user)
          Produce a Transcoders object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes(User user)
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Mimes RpcFactory.newMimes( host, User user)
          Produce a Mimes object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings(User user)
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static DriverBindings RpcFactory.newDriverBindings( host, User user)
          Produce a DriverBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings(User user)
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static DeviceBindings RpcFactory.newDeviceBindings( host, User user)
          Produce a DeviceBindings object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands(User user)
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Commands RpcFactory.newCommands( host, User user)
          Produce a Commands object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals(User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals( host, User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles(User user)
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Roles RpcFactory.newRoles( host, User user)
          Produce a Roles object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites(User user)
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Sites RpcFactory.newSites( host, User user)
          Produce a Sites object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths(User user)
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static RoleAuths RpcFactory.newRoleAuths( host, User user)
          Produce a RoleAuths object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods(User user)
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Methods RpcFactory.newMethods( host, User user)
          Produce a Methods object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.

Constructors in jreceiver.common.rpc with parameters of type User
RpcBaseDirect(User user)

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