Uses of Interface

Packages that use Signals
jreceiver.common.rpc A set of wrapper classes to remotely query and control the JReceiver Engine. 

Uses of Signals in jreceiver.common.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc that return Signals
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals()
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the default host and default credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals( host)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the specified host and default credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals(User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the default host and specified credentials.
static Signals RpcFactory.newSignals( host, User user)
          Produce a Signals object from the factory, using the specified host and specified credentials.

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