Uses of Class

Packages that use SourceRec
jreceiver.common.rec.source A set of beans and interfaces, each of which is keyed by a source id (src_id). 
jreceiver.common.rpc A set of wrapper classes to remotely query and control the JReceiver Engine. 

Uses of SourceRec in jreceiver.common.rec.source

Subclasses of SourceRec in jreceiver.common.rec.source
 class DplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single dynamic playlist record
 class FplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single playlist file record
 class FtuneRec
          Bean to represent a single tune file
 class HplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single Tree (hierarchical) playlist record
 class MexternalRec
          Concrete implementation of an offsite source
 class MfileRec
          Bean to describe a record for the Mfiles table
 class PlaylistRec
          Abstract class to provide basic implementation of Playlist interface
 class SplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a station playlist
 class StuneRec
          Bean to represent a station tune.
 class TuneRec
          Abstract class to provide basic implementation of Tune interface

Methods in jreceiver.common.rec.source that return SourceRec
static SourceRec SourceRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a SourceRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec PlaylistRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a PlaylistRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec PlaylistRec.createInstance(int pl_type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String order_by, int duration, int tune_count)
          Create a basic PlaylistRec object of the specified type.
static SourceRec TuneRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a TuneRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec TuneRec.createInstance(java.lang.String mime, int duration, int tune_type, java.lang.String title, java.util.Vector genres, int bitrate, int data_offset, int trackno, int year, Artist artist, Album album, Composer composer, Comment comment)
          Create a basic TuneRec object of the specified type.

Uses of SourceRec in jreceiver.common.rpc

Methods in jreceiver.common.rpc that return SourceRec
 SourceRec Sources.getRecForDriver(int src_id, int driver_id)
          Obtain source details for the given src_id when used with a given driver_id.

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