Uses of Interface

Packages that use Source
jreceiver.common.rec.source A set of beans and interfaces, each of which is keyed by a source id (src_id). 

Uses of Source in jreceiver.common.callback.rec

Fields in jreceiver.common.callback.rec declared as Source
protected  Source DeviceStatusRec.source

Methods in jreceiver.common.callback.rec that return Source
 Source DeviceStatus.getSource()
          This corresponds to a media source.
 Source DeviceStatusRec.getSource()
          This corresponds to a media source.

Constructors in jreceiver.common.callback.rec with parameters of type Source
DeviceStatusRec(int device_id, int driver_id, java.lang.String address, long timestamp, java.lang.String mac_address, int play_state, Source source, long timecode)

Uses of Source in jreceiver.common.rec.source

Subinterfaces of Source in jreceiver.common.rec.source
 interface Mexternal
          An interface to be associated with remote (i.e.
 interface Mfile
          An interface to be implemented by all sources which exist as filesystem objects.
 interface Playlist
          An interface to be implemented by all playlist sources.
 interface Tune
          An interface to be implemented by a 'tune' media source, i.e., associated with an mp3 file or stream with unchanging tag info.

Classes in jreceiver.common.rec.source that implement Source
 class DplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single dynamic playlist record
 class FplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single playlist file record
 class FtuneRec
          Bean to represent a single tune file
 class HplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a single Tree (hierarchical) playlist record
 class MexternalRec
          Concrete implementation of an offsite source
 class MfileRec
          Bean to describe a record for the Mfiles table
 class PlaylistRec
          Abstract class to provide basic implementation of Playlist interface
 class SourceRec
          Bean to describe a record for the Source table
 class SplaylistRec
          Bean to represent a station playlist
 class StuneRec
          Bean to represent a station tune.
 class TuneRec
          Abstract class to provide basic implementation of Tune interface

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