Uses of Class

Packages that use RecException
jreceiver.common.rec A set of beans and interfaces, each of which represents a concise data object used in JReceiver
jreceiver.common.rec.driver A set of beans and interfaces geared towards hardware and its control through drivers. A set of beans and interfaces describing the physical makeup of a media collection. 
jreceiver.common.rec.source A set of beans and interfaces, each of which is keyed by a source id (src_id). 

Uses of RecException in jreceiver.common.callback.rec

Methods in jreceiver.common.callback.rec that throw RecException
static DsettingRec DsettingRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a basic SettingRec object of the specified type.
static java.util.Vector DsettingRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each DsettingRec object that appears as a hash in the list.
static java.util.Hashtable DsettingRec.reconstituteMap(java.util.Hashtable map)
          Reconstitute each DsettingRec object that appears as a hash in the map.
static java.util.Vector DeviceStatusRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each DeviceStatusRec object that appears as a hash in the list.

Constructors in jreceiver.common.callback.rec that throw RecException
DeviceStatusRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC

Uses of RecException in jreceiver.common.rec

Methods in jreceiver.common.rec that throw RecException
 void Rec.setKey(java.lang.Object new_key)
          assign the Number-derived, Key-derived or String that serves as this Rec's key.

Uses of RecException in jreceiver.common.rec.driver

Methods in jreceiver.common.rec.driver that throw RecException
static java.util.Vector DeviceRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each DeviceRec object that appears as a hash in the list.
static java.util.Vector SignalRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each SignalRec object that appears as a hash in the list.
static java.util.Vector DriverRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each DriverRec object that appears as a hash in the list.

Constructors in jreceiver.common.rec.driver that throw RecException
DeviceRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
DriverBindingRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
SignalRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
DriverRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - via xml-rpc or similar
DeviceBindingRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC

Uses of RecException in

Methods in that throw RecException
static MethodKey MethodKey.createFromFormattedKey(java.lang.String formatted_key)
          create a new MethodKey object from a formatted method key String
 void UserRec.setKey(java.lang.Object new_key)
          assign the Number-derived, Key-derived or String that serves as this Rec's key.

Constructors in that throw RecException
MethodRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
UserRec(java.lang.String user_id, java.lang.String password)
UserRec(java.lang.String user_id, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String full_name, java.lang.String role_id)
UserRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC

Uses of RecException in

Constructors in that throw RecException
SiteRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via RPC

Uses of RecException in jreceiver.common.rec.source

Methods in jreceiver.common.rec.source that throw RecException
static SourceRec SourceRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a SourceRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec PlaylistRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a PlaylistRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec PlaylistRec.createInstance(int pl_type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String order_by, int duration, int tune_count)
          Create a basic PlaylistRec object of the specified type.
static SourceRec TuneRec.createInstance(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          Create a TuneRec object preserved as a hash that has arrived over an XML-RPC connection or similar.
static SourceRec TuneRec.createInstance(java.lang.String mime, int duration, int tune_type, java.lang.String title, java.util.Vector genres, int bitrate, int data_offset, int trackno, int year, Artist artist, Album album, Composer composer, Comment comment)
          Create a basic TuneRec object of the specified type.
static java.util.Vector TuneRec.reconstitute(java.util.Vector vector)
          Reconstitute each DtuneRec object that appears as a hash in the list.

Constructors in jreceiver.common.rec.source that throw RecException
SourceRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
PlaylistRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
FplaylistRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
MfileRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
TuneRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
SplaylistRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
HplaylistRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
DplaylistRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
MexternalRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
StuneRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC
FtuneRec(java.util.Hashtable hash)
          ctor - construct from a hashtable, usually retrieved via XML-RPC

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