JReceiver: Server Install

JRec Server

JReceiver binaries can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34867

Install Files


Install Files

Download JReceiver-0.2.5.tar.gz, extract and make a symlink:
    cd /usr/local
    tar fvxz /download/JReceiver-0.2.5.tar.gz
    ln -s JReceiver-0.2.5 jreceiver

Specify location in environment

Export an environment variable for the JReceiver directory:
    export JREC_HOME=/usr/local/jreceiver
You may wish to add this to your /etc/profile

Install Files

Download JReceiver-0.2.5.zip and extract to
    C:\Program Files
All files will automatically be placed under a JReceiver-0.2.5 folder.

If using WinZip, this requires that you have the option "with folder names" enabled!

Specify location in environment

Set a system environment variable JREC_HOME for the JReceiver directory:

Variable Name Variable Value
JREC_HOME C:\Program Files\JReceiver-0.2.5

Initialize Database


Initialize Database

Change to mysql/bin and initialize the database (prompts for your administrator password):
    mysql -u root -p -e "source $JREC_HOME/etc/jrec_mysql.sql" jreceiver

It should complete without any error messages.

Start MySQL Client

Start the MySQL client again (prompts for password):

    ./mysql -u root -p jreceiver

Initialize Database

Change to mysql/bin and initialize the database (prompts for your administrator password):
    cd "C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin\"
    mysql -u root -p -e "source %JREC_HOME%\etc\jrec_mysql.sql" jreceiver

It should complete without any error messages.

Start MySQL Client

Start the MySQL client again (prompts for password):

    mysql -u root -p jreceiver

Verify Database Initialization

You should be at the mysql> prompt. Enter the following command
    mysql> select * from user;

You should see something like

| id           | fullname       | password                     | role_id     |
| admin        | Administrator  | 0DPiKuNIrrVmD8IUCuw1hQxNqZc= | admins      |
| mgrclient    | Manager Client | qUrFc/+mE9oyW2JlMeyZagrvJl4= | untrusted   |
| riodriver    | Rio Driver     | /Pt/osmVD8qS6kae97CACEOF7tI= | players     |
| redratdriver | Redrat Driver  | c2nD6B6cNsz71IyviafRFmtCtq0= | controllers |
| server       | Server User    | PeT5Af/7MKxyCw5+tlS0+qLdA/o= | servers     |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Quit the client

    mysql> quit;

Configure JDBC User


Using a text editor, modify
    $JREC_HOME/etc/jreceiver.properties                  (linux)
    %JREC_HOME%\etc\jreceiver.properties                 (windows)
to modify the database connection details. Replace MYPASSWORD with the password you assigned to user jreceiver_app during MySQL configuration earlier

International Users

You may need to specify the encoding used by your system in the connection.url property. For example, this is how it might appear using the Shift-JIS Japanese encoding:

For a list of available encodings, see 1.3. 1.4.



Launch JReceiver

Start JReceiver via the helper script:
    $JREC_HOME/bin/jrec_jetty.sh start

Launch JReceiver

You may want to drag the %JREC_HOME%\bin\jrec_jetty.bat script to your desktop as a shortcut for easy launch.

Start JReceiver via the helper script:


Final Verification

Test out the Manager webapp by using your browser to load the following URL, replacing HOSTNAME is the name or IP of your server

You should be forwarded to a logon page. Enter admin for both the user name and password.

If you get an error, review your configuration and more importantly check the console (in which you started jrec) and the servlet log for clues. The servlet log is located in $JETTY_HOME/logs.

If your computer is on an open network where security is a consideration, go to the 'Configuration' 'Users' page and edit the admin user in order to change the password. You should select a complex password consisting of both letters and numbers.

Go to the 'Configuration' 'Root Paths' page and enter one or more root paths for your media library. Save the change.

Go to the 'Configuration' 'Scan for Files' page and start scanning for files.

Finally, create a playlist and try streaming to a desktop player such as WinAmp by clicking on a 'play' link.

Congrats, you've got the JReceiver Server up and running!

ps, consult the faq and trouble pages for more help and performance tips.

NEXT STEP: [Install Rio Driver]

Copyright © 2001-2002, Reed Esau & the JReceiver Project (http://jreceiver.sourceforge.net), All Rights Reserved