JReceiver: Redrat Controller Driver

The Redrat2 IR Emitter is the first controller explicitly supported in the JReceiver project.

The controller driver is hosted from the JReceiver Server through calls to a JReceiver Server using the JRec API.

The Redrat IR Emitter JReceiver project. This device supports much of the functionality of the JReceiver Server.

The driver support for the Redrat is implemented as a Java Web Application (jrec_redrat.war).

These documents describe the installation, configuration and use of the Redrat Controller with JReceiver:

  • redrat-install - tutorial describing installation of the Redrat driver for the JReceiver Server.
  • redrat-faq - questions and answers relating to the use of JReceiver with the Redrat Controller.
  • redrat-trouble - troubleshooting help getting your Redrat up and running.

    Copyright © 2001-2002, Reed Esau & the JReceiver Project (http://jreceiver.sourceforge.net), All Rights Reserved